In Linux, two commands are available to add a new user, useadd and adduser. What is the difference between useradd and adduser, and which one is better to use for creating new users in Linux?
Author: admin
You can use the iptables-tracer tool to trace packets in iptables chains as they pass through the Linux firewall. This tool allows you to understand if traffic is passing through certain iptables chains.
Nested virtualization allows you to run other hypervisors in a virtual machine. In this article, we will look at how to enable nested virtualization in Proxmox VE for Intel and AMD processors.
Continue reading “Enable Nested Virtualization in Proxmox Virtual Machine”
By default, OpenVPN certificates are used to authenticate users. This means, that any user who has a *.ovpn file with connection settings and certificates can connect to your OpenVPN server. In OpenVPN, you can enable and configure user authentication through an LDAP server (Active Directory or FreeIPA).
Continue reading “Configure OpenVPN Authentication via LDAP (Active Directory)”
Most users have experienced the problem of screen tearing in different Linux distros. Tiering is usually caused by the X server or GPU driver (most often with NVidia drivers). In this article, we will look at how to get rid of screen tearing in Linux.
In this article, we will look at how to upgrade a Gitlab instance that is deployed in a docker container.
By default, Grafana allows you to sign in only with local user accounts. But you can use an LDAP database (Active Directory or FreeIPA) to authenticate users in Grafana.
Continue reading “Configure LDAP (Active Directory) Authentication in Grafana”
This post is my cheat sheet for the most commonly used commands in the PostgreSQL console.
In this article, we will show you how to quickly deploy your own local deb package repository and add the necessary packages to it.
Continue reading “Create a Local Deb Package Repository on Debian”
One of the significant disadvantages of OpenVPN is its rather poor performance. This is especially noticeable at link speeds of 100+ megabits. In most cases, the performance of an OpenVPN tunnel is dependent on the chosen encryption method, its complexity, and buffer sizes.
Continue reading “How to Improve OpenVPN Performance and Throughput?”