By default, Grafana allows you to sign in only with local user accounts. But you can use an LDAP database (Active Directory or FreeIPA) to authenticate users in Grafana.
$ sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
############################## Auth LDAP ###################
enabled = true
config_file = /etc/grafana/ldap.toml
allow_sign_up = true
Then edit the file with LDAP connection settings:
$ sudo nano /etc/grafana/ldap.toml
host = ""
# user credentials to access the LDAP directory
bind_dn = "uid=svc_grafana,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=poweradm,dc=com"
bind_password = 'grafana_password1'
search_filter = "(sAMAccountName=%s)"
search_base_dns = ["dc=poweradm,dc=com"]
# Grafana admin group
group_dn = "cn=grafana_admins,cn=groups,cn=par,dc=poweradm,dc=com"
org_role = "Admin"
# Grafana editors group
group_dn = "cn=grafana_rw,cn=groups,cn=par,dc=poweradm,dc=com"
org_role = "Editor"
# Group with permissions to view objects and data Grafana
group_dn = "cn=grafana_ro,cn=groups,cn=par,dc=poweradm,dc=com"
org_role = "Viewer"
Create grafana_admins, grafana_rw and grafana_ro groups in AD. Add users to them depending on their role. Also create a domain user svc_grafana (with minimal permissions, you can even exclude this account from the Domain Users group).
To debug AD authentication, you need to enable LDAP logging. To do this, specify a filter for the log in the /etc/grafana/grafana.ini file:
filters = ldap:debug
Restart the Grafana service:
$ sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
Try to authenticate with a domain user. If necessary, check the log:
$ tail -f /var/log/grafana/grafana.log