This post is my cheat sheet for the most commonly used commands in the PostgreSQL console.
When installed, PostgreSQL creates a separate Linux user named postgres. In my examples, I will run commands under this user using sudo. Although you can use this account to login shell and run commands directly from the postgres user session.
Display a list of databases with extended information:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -l+
Create a text dump of the database:
# sudo -u postgres pg_dump -U postgres dbtemp01 \
> ~/ dbtemp01.sql
Compress a PostgreSQL database dump on the fly:
# sudo -u postgres pg_dump -U postgres dbtemp01 \
| pigz > ~/dbtemp01.sql.gz
Restore a database from a dump file to a new database:
# sudo -u postgres createdb -U postgres \
-T template0 dbtemp02
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres dbtemp02 \
< ~/ dbtemp01.sql
Exit psql console:
$ \q
Create a new PostgreSQL user:
# sudo -u postgres createuser -U postgres usrsite1
Set user password:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c \
"ALTER USER usrsite1 PASSWORD 'SecRet2pwd'"
List PostgreSQL users:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c \
"select * from pg_user"
Give full privileges to the database:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c \
Assign a user as the database owner:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c \
"ALTER DATABASE sitedb OWNER TO usrsite1"
Clean up (-f) and analyze (-z) the database (Postgres Pro):
# sudo -u postgres vacuumdb -U postgres -f -z -d sitedb
Reindex database:
# sudo -u postgres reindexdb -U postgres -d sitedb
Delete database:
# sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c \
List user permissions:
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_privileges WHERE grantee = '<USERNAME>';
Display permissions for groups that USER_NAME is a member of:
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.role_table_grants WHERE grantee = '<USERNAME>';
Check table permissions:
select relacl from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname='<TABLENAME>';
Some useful commands for psql interactive mode:
\connect db_name
– connect to the database
– list users
– display a list of tables, views, sequences, and access permissions
\dt *
– list tables